Joy lay awake that night while everyone else was sleeping like a baby. She was contemplating ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she jumped out bed. She found them in the kitchen and told them about encountering Nick two days earlier. Then she asked, “Can we invite him over today?”
sleeping like a baby:熟睡(= so asleep)
“I don’t know if he’ll want to come, but in a few hours, you can call him and ask,” said Joy’s mother. She was always happy when guests came.
Joy’s father smiled and said, “Like mother, like daughter. I guess hospitality runs in the family.”
When Joy called Nick later that day, he was delighted. After getting his uncle’s permission, he joined them for dinner. At Joy’s house, Christmas dinner was the mother of all feasts. Joy’s mother always prepared a variety of delectable dishes.
like mother, like daughter:有其母,必有其女
runs in the family:家族遺傳、代代相傳
the mother of all:最…的
To her surprise, Joy really enjoyed spending time with Nick. He came to visit many times after that, and soon he was like family to them.
Like family:像家人一樣
lay awake = being in the position in which the body is flat on top of somewhere(to lie:躺、臥)
as soon as:一旦…就…
as soon as possible:盡快(ASAP)
to lay:(= to put something down)