

Lights, ornaments and Christmas trees filled the mall. Everyone and his brother was there because Christmas was only two days away!

Thirteen-year-old Joy had just finished her Christmas shopping. Finding presents for her parents, grandparents and siblings had been child’s play. She knew them well enough that finding them presents was like taking candy from a baby.


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Celebrate history

This year visitors to Quebec City will have something extra to celebrate – the 350th anniversary of Notre-Dame de Quebec Basilica-Cathedral. This cathedral is the oldest in North America and boasts a dazzling interior. Walk around inside, and admire the works of art.


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It’s Christmastime, and in Quebec City, you can feel it in the air. The days are short, and the weather is cold and snowy. The historic buildings and streets are decked in beautiful decorations and stunning lights. It’s the perfect time to bundle up and explore the city!

in the air:流傳、未確定、在空中


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Let’s assume you’re a business manager. Surely you’d view your own time as precious. But what about your employees’ work time? Are you aware of how much time they spend checking email or attending meetings? According to consultant Michael Mankins, as much as 15 percent of a company’s time can be spent – or wasted – in meetings.



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Walking is also good for your wallet. It saves on the cost of going to a gym. Walk briskly for 150 minutes each week to get a good workout. A pedometer can get you started. Begin with trying to take 1,000 steps in 10 minutes to set the right pace.



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