

Did you know?

Seahorses: With a scientific name that means “horse caterpillars,” these fish are believed to mate for life. The male carries and gives birth to the eggs the female deposits in his pouch.


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The applications

Potential uses for this kind of virtual reality are both fun and practical. Full-immersion video games would make the player’s experience more realistic and exciting.


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Technology companies are working around the clock. Their goal: to use computers to create a 3-D environment that people can interact with. Virtual reality is working to let people go deeper and deeper into a world that exists only inside a computer.

around the clock:日以繼夜( = 24/7)


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Enjoy your stay

Experience Greek hospitality for yourself, and skip the big city hotels. Instead, book your stay at a smaller location. Guesthouses and B&Bs are often less expensive and just as nice. You’ll get to know the owners and the neighborhood quickly. Places like these will bring you closer to the Greek community. And you’ll save a lot of money!


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More Greece, please!

Greece is not a small country, so it may be hard to decide what to do during your stay. Here are a few suggestions for some fun and popular activities.


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